"Rupi" - Our first born through adoption. Our "son of vision" and our renewer.
"Blossom" - Our daughter through egg donation. She is the "pure unmerited favour of God.
[names have been changed to protect the innocent]
In January 2005 after two years of trying to conceive I was labelled as severely infertile.
What followed was a battle through 3 rounds of chlomophene (Clomid), 3 rounds of IVF, a miscarriage and a failed adoption attempt.
Finally on the 3rd of November 2008 our son through adoption was born and came home 12 days later. Our lives changed forever and our hearts were healed.
In May 2009 we started an egg donor IVF cycle and finally fell pregnant in August 2009. Our baby girl was born on the 19th May 2010. Our joy knew no bounds.
We are blessed beyond measure and incredibly grateful for the two little people who live in our house and call us Mama and Dida.
We are forever changed through infertility. We understand and cherish God's Grace, Mercy and breakthrough. He is the God of yes and amen!
I am so glad that you are here! Make yourself at home, grab a cup of coffee and put your feet up.
This is the story of me and those I love. I have journeyed (and often stumbled!) through infertility, adoption, egg donation and motherhood.
I am so grateful to be a wife and finally a mother! I thank God continually for the blessings He has given me. I love my life and my God!