Thursday, May 14, 2009

Down pour

So much happens all at once! God rains down and it tends to be a down pour with me!

I am a commercial interior designer and have been doing this for a looong time. I loved it but was so glad to leave it behind. I was totally over it....... Can you hear God smothering a laugh?

I am following my dream with getting, making and designing baby stuff but we ran out of cash. I need to inject some dollars to do marketing and we just don't have it. We were talking about it and wondering how to take the little business to the next level.


Just wait.

Someone large has a plan!

Through a contact I have been given/ handed an opportunity to do design work. This person is basically pushing me to open a little design company so I can do work for them. He's introducing me to a whole lot of people. I mean you can't buy this type of help for love or money and it's being handed to me.

So I am now setting up a mini design company. Hello? Like I have the time or emotional head space? But when God opportunity comes along, you gotta grab it and say "Thank you"!

I am going into business with her. Yay. And it's good and has God written all over it. So we have been doing a million things this week and we launch next week. Gulp. No business cards yet but we will have laptops and a drawing programme each. We are going to be little and keep it nice and simple. Clean, simple and pure design.

And me?

Trying not to freak out almost constantly. This waiting is hard. I woke up at about 3am the other morning and could not get back to sleep. I was convinced it was all over and tossed and turned in agony. I was a wreck.

Turns out I was torturing myself for nothing and the physical signs I was looking at were drug induced and wrong. Go me.

Psalm 91 is my God-send and I speak it over myself again and again. And again.

And again.

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Gail said...

Wow Sammy! Talk about capacity stretching! The business sounds exciting - what an opportunity! How good is He?!!

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