The reason for my failed foray into the world if HTML and all things IT was the odd comments I have been getting. It seems that when some comments are translated, weird things happen. The comment is a series of boxes and full stops. And when I click on the line of full stops I get directed to a website that I deem dodgy. Very dodgy indeed.
I am so sorry but if you are a commenter (commentor?) and your comment is translated (with that dodgy link)I will delete it. And if it carrys on I will have to block your blog. I hate having to do this as I love comments, and lets face it who doesn't, but I hate dodgy-ness even more.
The comments could be spam and research I did led me to believe they may be, which in turn led me to Disqus and there my cleverness ended.
This is why I outsource IT for my little business. I am IT illiterate. The end.
Could you just put comment moderation on so you check the comment before it appears on your blog? That's what I do and I just reject the spam ones and publish the legit ones
Sorry love but I have to delete your comment. After the words. the dots are leading to a dodgy dating website with some dodgy ladies....
Pens: good idea I may do that
Well I certainly hope I am not blocked - thanks for the insight, it may be happening to others even more illiterate!
Remember when I tried disqus??? What a waste of time that was! Nobody liked it. My comments dried up overnight. So I kicked it to the curb.
Try comment moderation - very wise advice from penpen!
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