Friday, January 28, 2011

A day in the life

....of Rupi. This morning he made new friends. We went to visit a friend who lives out in the wops (the sticks/ the country). Rupi was in seventh heaven.

A city-slicker girl like me could really embrace this lifestyle as long as someone got rid of the flies, looked after the animals and tended the (many ) acres of land. Too much to ask?



Anonymous said...


maybe just a bit too much....but it does look like you have a natural on your hands

love and light

Tea said...

If we could build a small house on the many acres of land, we would take care of that for you!! Not that we know all that much about it, but we would looooooooove to do something like that, so we could learn. That sheep is awesome! And your little man is too cute doing his farm work! ♥

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