I am so not about who reads my blog, excepting all you bloggie friends who I love and cherish. I am a fan though, of so many amazing blogs and follow quite a few. I de-lurked on one of my favs and left a comment....AND SHE COMMENTED BACK ON MY LAST POST!!!
HER!!!! She's Shannon and is clever and pretty and so witty and nice and famous with about 4 zillion followers...
So please excuse me while I go and lie down and fan myself.....
WAI2K 50km trail adventure, November 2024!
2 weeks ago
Hehe, you're so cute!
Fan away, Sammy, fan away...
haha - I've had a couple of my crochet idols comment on mine and it always makes me get all excited - so funny aye!
Hahaha. Surely you must do the same every time I, ME, I leave a comment too. It's what I expect! Gush away.....
I do Gail, I do! I am just trying not to be OTT, HAHA!
Ha! Just checking!
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