Friday, March 30, 2012

currant in a current

It's been one of those spaces in time where I feel like a raisin in a river. Small, shriveled and traveling at a speed beyond your control.

So when I am "pruny" I choose to be thankful:

♥ Blossom's epic diary reaction seems to have abated and I have moved her back into undies.
She's officially off soy and dairy for the next 12 months. Not even in baked goods, nada. I am so thankful she is feeling better!

♥ My Mom is on the mildest form of chemo now. She had her second round yesterday and the super nasty symptoms are making a come back already. Thankful that we know what to look for now and the hospital is managing her closely.

♥ I have the sniff of a couple of projects. It's been a lean start to the year but I think the wind is changing! Thankful that God is in control.

♥ Thankful for an amazing little family. So blessed with my little boy and little girl. They bring endless joy to us!



Cat said...

all is well : )

love and light

after reading all the blessings I looked back and saw you were actually looking like a grape : )

jennohara said...

Love this. Love the pictures!

These Three Kings said...

I didnt know about your mom. I will be praying for her. Thank you for sharing these simple, yet huge blessings.
grace to you sister

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