Rain. A whole lot of it. I have work. So much work! There's been thunder for a long time and I have been watching the skies. The clouds have gathered and I am in the middle of a rain storm. The ground is parched and just drinking up the water. The wells are filling.
Thank you God!
And of course it's busy. Crazy busy. But I know it's God busy. "Smack bang in the middle of His plans" busy. So inevitably the enemy comes calling. Dida is really sick with a tummy bug and Blossom has a wicked cough. Dida is at the doctor now with Blossom so hopefully things will get better. Lots of prayers needed please!
And in the middle of chaos I am so in love with this little face. She fills my heart to over flowing. All girl (with a shriek that shatters glass), she brings joy and laughter into our house. I adore her.

My little blessing

With her adoring Nana and Poppa
Glad the work is flooding in for you Sammy! And yes, praying that sickness away!!x
Awww that first pic of Blossom is totally adorable.
Praying for everyone's health. Your sweet girl is so cute!! :)
adorable!!!! what a blessing! Hope everyone feels better soon
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