Wednesday, September 14, 2011


How much do you share on your blog? Specifically about your family and kiddies? I read something this week that make me think about that question...

It was an adoption linky post and when I clicked onto one of the adoption blogs featured I read something that made me pause. A mom shared about her adoption. She shared that she struggled to love the little girl she had adopted as much as her biological children. And the kicker for me was that she said that she still struggles to love her and it's a daily choice to choose to love her.

I am not judging this lady at all. What she feels is what she feels. She's being honest. But. And a huge BUT. There is a possibility that her little girl will read those words one day. Is that ok? Imagine reading that your Mom struggled to love you for a long time? Even if it's true, should they ever know it? A child's self worth is determined to a degree by how secure they feel in their parent's love.

It just made me think about how much we should share. And whether we have a responsibility to our children to write carefully about them. To be mindful of the fact that one day they, or people they know, may read the words I write about them.

Wow. Food for thought.



Tea said...

Definitely. We need to be careful. I've been thinking lately about how much respect kids deserve and often don't get, because they're little. Yes, they cannot do everything a grown up does, but we still have to respect them as a person. I don't judge that mom, but we do need to be careful about how we share. It makes me want to make sure I'm careful too.

Tea said...

P.S. (and off the subject..) My blog isn't updating properly for most people now that the address changed, but I put something on my blog about how to (hopefully) make it work again if you're interested. ♥

jacksta said...

definitely worth thinking about!
I try not to share too much about my munchkins, they deserve their privacy.
You really do need to be careful what you write on a blog, not loving your child would be the number one thing not to write!

Widge said...

yeah wow, that's not cool. Not judging her but I don't think that is something that should be on the internet with the possibility for the girl to read it or be told at some stage....that's life damaging stuff.

These Three Kings said...

wow...sad and convicting...let me go read over my posts...

I'm so glad our children and their salvation is not left up to how we struggle or view them. Praise God HE is mighty to SAVE and protect from our foolishness at times as parents.. I know I can be very foolish sometime... maybe we (or you) could encourage the mom who is struggling.. I dont know.. I want to help her... that makes me sad :(

Thanks for this thought provoking post!

Cat said...

it is an interesting thing to ponder
I think she was probably sharing something that was painful for her to admit and sometimes...when we bring these things out to the light...well things change...
it would be such a personal choice
maybe she would delete her blog before her daughter read it
or maybe she would end up telling her adult daughter the journey of love she took for her and how it was all worth it to make that choice daily.....
and maybe that daughter would need that truth just at that time because of something she was facing in her life,,,
of course, it is hard to say, and we probably will never know
but definitely food for though...something to chew on for a while to be sure!

thanks for sharing Sammy

love and light

PaisleyJade said...

I think that blogs are a great place to be open but I do feel personally that we need to remember that anyone and everyone can read what we write forever! I don't want to share anything that could hurt my children or anyone else for the matter in the future.

Cat said...

I am the daughter who's mother struggled to love her - the daughter who's mother was and still is jealous of her . . . my heart is with that daughter . . .

Sammy said...

Mine too Cat. There was a picture of her on the post, a gorgeous little girl and I must admit, I just wept.

Anonymous said...

Maybe in adulthood her daughter will read it and will realise that her mum was human, and struggled - and loved her enough to try.

I agree that we should be mindful of what we post in case it could cause hurt but at the same time I think we have the right to this space, and to share honestly about our lives. So, while I do try not to post hurtful things about my children I have talked about the times I have struggled with them and I've been known to call them some rude names (affectionately of course ;) )

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