Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Happy Birthday hunny!

My darling has his birthday today and God is soooooo gracious! It's a big one (hint: we are lot older than we look! I still get asked for ID when buying alcohol at the supermarket and they generally do a double take when they see the age on my drivers licence. OK! I am 37! I couldn't hold it in ANYMORE!)........Where was I?

Oh yes, My hubbie's birthday

I was really worried about him reaching this age without a child. Really really worried. Seriously worried. The years of infertility, treatment, miscarriage and then his Dad's death last June added up to a huge toll on him. You know how they (husbands) carry you and are big and strong for you? Underneath he was dying. I could see it and couldn't do a thing. Awful and scary.

So this little miracle is a gift from heaven. He's called the miracle child in our family and he is. One of the meanings of his name is "restorer" and he has restored his Daddy. I am not taking anything away from God in this and He would have given us the strength to survive. Also He is the ultimate Restorer and no-one else. But Rupi is a gift from God and the fulfilment of our dreams and hopes has restored my hubbie.

He is such a wonderful husband and I am incredibly blessed. To be honest I could not imagine a better husband. I am so blessed to share my life with him. I love him more than life itself (but I love Jesus more- just to clarify for you Jesus)

So Happy Birthday my hunny! Love you!

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Gail said...

Oh, you guys are just spring chickens still :) (I'm in that space of denial about ever aging).
Happy Birthday Michael! What a blessed one it will be!!

Janetta Gray said...

This is the most beautiful thing I've read in a long time. & that picture is priceless! I hope that he has a very happy birthday!

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