Saturday, February 26, 2011


This tragedy has brought out the best in us. True, it has brought out the worst in some but they are so much fewer in number.

I witnessed what the human spirit is capable of, on talk back radio this week. Radio has been a life line for many Cantabrians as they have no power so no access to TV or internet updates. Talk back radio has kept them informed and part of a community.

The national and global focus has been on the central business district of Christchurch and rightly so. There are so many people that are still trapped there. But out in the suburbs people are struggling. No power, water or waste management. And often no indication of when these services will be fixed.


An 81 year old man called into a program I was listening to. He asked the host if he knew which recycle bin he should put the spoiled food from his freezer into. The host gently explained that no-one would be collecting those bins for some time and so he needed to make other arrangements. He commented that the old man sounds isolated and a bit scared. "Yes" came the reply, "I haven't seen anyone since the quake and I have no water or food".

The host asked the old man where he lived and appealed to anyone living near him to make contact with him. Within minutes the airwaves were flooded with calls from people on their way to the old mans house. I cried at the goodness in people and the willingness to drop what they were doing that minute to go to someone's aid. I don't think that old man will be hungry, thirsty or lonely for a long time (if ever again).

That's one small story. There are thousands of stories like it. I am so proud to be a New Zealander. I think we are truly seeing the soul of our nation right now and it's pretty amazing.

For an insight into what people in the suburbs of Christchurch area facing go here



Gail said...

How beautiful. I feel like hopping onto a plane to find him myself.

mountain mama said...


i'm speechless.

but, my heart is full!

Meghan Maloney Photography said...

Tears in my eyes reading this. And yes, I always knew we were a special nation but this week has just confirmed that all over again :-)

Leonie said...

oh wow, tears here too. It makes me so sad to think of people all alone, but the way people quickly respond - beautiful

PaisleyJade said...

Beautiful - and tears here too. I love hearing stories of hope like this in such a dark time.

FROGGITY! said...

i am so sorry about this crisis! this story is very touching. praying for you one and all.

jennohara said...

All i can say is beautiful.

Tea said...

Oh Sammy, what a beautiful story. ♥

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